

Scheer PAS Schweiz AG

Scheer PAS Schweiz AG
Lautengartenstrasse 12
CH-4052 Basel 

Telephone: +41 61 27097-10

Authorized signatories: 

Robert Müller, Jürgen Rombach

Commercial registry: 

Registered office: Basel
Commercial registry: Canton of Basel City
UID: CHE-108.452.027 

VAT number: 

CHE-108.452.027 MWST (VAT) 

Scheer PAS Deutschland

Responsible provider of this website and the associated social media presence within the meaning of Section 5 of the Telemedia Act (TMG): 

Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH
Scheer Tower, Uni-Campus Nord
D-66123 Saarbrücken 

Telephone: +49 681 96777 500

Directors authorized to represent the company: 

Robert Müller, Jürgen Rombach 

Commercial registry: 

Registered office: Saarbrücken
Commercial register court: Municipal court Saarbrücken
Registration number: HRB 100792 

VAT identification number within the meaning of Section 27a of the VAT Act (UStG): 


Responsible for content: 

Markus Joldzic
Scheer Tower, Uni-Campus Nord
D-66123 Saarbrücken 

Legal Notice / Disclaimer

Limitation of liability

Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG and their associated companies and partners and suppliers assume no liability for the correctness of the contents of the documents and the associated graphics published on this website. All this information, the documents and the related graphics are made available without any guarantee whatsoever. Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG and their associated companies and partners and suppliers assume no liability or responsibility for these contents, including assurances of any kind with regard to their marketability, their suitability for a specific purpose, industrial property rights and compliance with these. Under no circumstances shall Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG and their associated companies and partners and suppliers be liable for direct or indirect damages or for consequential damages, or for lost profits, or for any damages resulting from loss of use or loss of data due to actions in accordance with the contract, negligence, malice or unlawful acts, arising from or in connection with the use of the information on this website. 

The documents and the associated graphics published on this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The information contained therein is regularly changed or updated. Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG and their associated companies and partners and suppliers reserve the right, at all times, to make changes and/or improvements to one or more of the products described therein and/or one or more of the services described therein and/or to one or more of the programs. 

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This website contains links to the websites of third parties (“external links”). The operators of these websites are responsible for their contents. Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG have no influence on the current and future configuration or on the contents of the linked sites. Setting external links does not mean that the provider endorses the contents behind the references or links. Articles containing the name of the author reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the website operator. Constant monitoring of the external links is not reasonable for Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG without specific indication of legal infringements. If the operator is made aware of legal infringements, however, such external links shall be immediately deleted. 

Copyright law, conditions of use

(c) Copyright 2020 Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG
The use, copying, and distribution of information and documents (e.g. white papers, press releases, statistics and FAQs) from this World Wide Web server and of associated graphics is hereby permitted under the following conditions:
(1) Both the copyright notice above and this permission notice must appear on all copies.
(2) The documents on this website may only be used for informational, non-commercial or private purposes and they must not be published via computer networks or other media.
(3) The documents must not be changed.
(4) All other rights are reserved. 

The use of the information and documents described above does not include the design or layout of the website or any other website set up, operated, controlled or licensed by Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG. The elements contained in the websites of Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG are protected by industrial property rights and other laws and they may not be copied or imitated either wholly or in part. No logo, graphic, sound or image element may be copied or retransmitted from any website of Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG unless expressly permitted by Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG. If documents of third parties, which are made available on a website, are used, copied, or retransmitted, the original copyright notice must appear on all copies. 


The name Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG and all named Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG products are brands of Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG. All other product and company names mentioned on these pages may be brands of the respective owners/manufacturers. The name of Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG, Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG Produkte, or the Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG company logo may only be used in connection with the dissemination of this information in advertisements or other publication and only with express prior written consent. 

All rights that are not expressly granted here are reserved.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH/Scheer PAS Schweiz AG.