Scheer PAS
About us
Process meets Integration
The Scheer Process Automation Suite (PAS) is an Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) with focus on business processes (Process iPaaS). A Process iPaaS is an iPaaS where process meets integration.
Scheer PAS enables organizations to integrate applications and data while focusing on business processes. The process-oriented approach to integration is the only way to seamlessly optimize and automate business processes from end to end while gaining valuable insights for continuous improvement.
With processes embedded into our DNA, Scheer PAS delivers with the process-centric approach to integration new business value for customers.
Scheer PAS is part of the Scheer Network.
"We bring business and IT together - because processes are the connecting element."
Prof. Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer
Founder and sole shareholder

Get to know us!
The Scheer PAS Management
Meet our management team representing the entire Scheer PAS Team.
“We are proud of our team and our platform, which solves even the most difficult scenarios with the highest quality and maximum business output."
Robert Müller

“We have a unique product and we want to excite our customers!"
Jürgen Rombach
Chief Services Officer

"Our unique combination contained in the term Process iPaaS brings refreshing solutions to industry problems."
Dr. Christian Linn
Head of Product Development

Scheer PAS Office Locations
Scheer PAS Germany Address: Scheer Tower, Uni-Campus Nord D-66123 Saarbrücken Phone: +49 681 96777 500
Scheer PAS Switzerland Address: Lautengartenstrasse 12 CH-4052 Basel Phone: +41 61 27097-10
Scheer PAS USA Address: 15 Broad Street, Suite 902 Boston, MA 02109