Business Process Automation

Relieve your operations from manual tasks with Business Process Automation

What is Business Process Automation?

Business Process Automation (BPA) refers to the automation of complex business processes with minimal human intervention. BPA goes beyond conventional data manipulation and record-keeping activities, trying to automate decision-making processes, synchronize data across platforms and ensure end-to-end process efficiency. It is often supported by advanced automation tools such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Intelligent Document Processing (IDP).

Business Process Automation (BPA) refers to the automation of complex business processes with minimal human intervention. BPA goes beyond conventional data manipulation and record-keeping activities, trying to automate decision-making processes, synchronize data across platforms and ensure end-to-end process efficiency. It is often supported by advanced automation tools such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)  

The Benefits
of Business Process Automation


Streamlined workflows, minimal delays and greater accuracy

Cost Reduction

Significantly reduce labor costs associated with manual work


Accurate data leads to better and informed decision making


Consistent data adherence reduces risks


Streamlined workflows, minimal delays and better accuracy

Cost Reduction

Significantly reduce labor costs associated with manual work


Accurate data leads to better and informed decision making


Consistent data adherence reducing the risks

Think Outside of the Box

It is not only internal automation (with the primary aim of saving costs) that offers great potential for increasing efficiency. Comprehensive automation by means of data exchange across company boundaries enables further time savings (e.g. in the supply chain).

Methods of Business Process Automation

Scheer PAS Approach

Business Process Automation
in action

Case Study Example:

Saarland State Police

The Saarland Police is the official state police force of the German federal state of Saarland, comprising approximately 3,200 employees, including around 2,700 law enforcement officers. The State Police Headquarters operates under the purview of the Saarland Ministry of the Interior, Building and Sport.

Scheer PAS Process Automation iPaas Case Studies Example Police 3
Scheer PAS Process Automation iPaas Case Studies Example Police 3


Manual plausibility check of accident reports

The Saarland police force is currently facing a shortage of personnel, and highly qualified staff members are spending a lot of time dealing with routine jobs that are time-consuming, cost-intensive, and error-prone. Some tasks have also become increasingly complex.

Scheer PAS Implementation

AI-based plausibility check of accident reports with Scheer PAS


Scheer PAS Business Process Automation - Image 2

Illustration of the automated plausibility check of accident sequences.

  • Quick processes identification and optimization
  • Great potential because of high degree of standardization
  • Relief of time-consuming administrative work through the use of innovative technologies


Automated data collection and plausibility checks of more than…

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