Modularity and Reusability: Your key to Success Agility Scalability Resilience

Enhance your business with modularity and agility.

What is Application Composition?

Application Composition is a method for building software by assembling pre-existing components, modules, or services. This approach allows developers to create complex applications more efficiently by leveraging reusable and standardized building blocks. By integrating these components, businesses can customize and extend their applications to meet specific needs without starting from scratch. Application Composition simplifies the development process, reduces time-to-market, and enhances the flexibility and scalability of software solutions.

Application Composition is a method for building software by assembling pre-existing components, modules, or services. This approach allows developers to create complex applications more efficiently by leveraging reusable and standardized building blocks. By integrating these components, businesses can customize and extend their applications to meet specific needs without starting from scratch. Application Composition simplifies the development process, reduces time-to-market, and enhances the flexibility and scalability of software solutions.

Application Composition - Why?

A composable enterprise is a business model that emphasizes modular, interchangeable components within its infrastructure, allowing for agile adaptation to changing market conditions.

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, composable enterprises are essential for fostering innovation, scalability, and resilience in the face of evolving technological and market demands.

Scheer PAS - Composability

Build reusable integration and process libraries

With Scheer PAS you can create reusable libraries containing integration logic, business logic and UI components that can be used across different integration workflows reducing time-to-market of new process automation initiatives.  

Orchestrate libraries via asset repository

Scheer PAS provides a central repository where pre-built and custom libraries can be managed, accessed and reused, enabling teams to easily share assets and streamline the development process. It provides orchestration capabilities to organize and deploy the libraries efficiently, supporting version control, dependency management and governance.  

Build packaged and modular solutions

Compose pre-built and custom libraries to create complex integration workflows and processes that can be deployed and maintained independently, allowing for easy updates, replacements, and scaling without affecting other parts of the system. 

Composable integration and process landscape

All integration workflows and processes build with Scheer PAS can be assembled and reassembled to meet changing business needs. This composable landscape guarantees agility, flexibility, and scalability, allowing organizations to rapidly adapt to new requirements.  

Scheer PAS solution approach

Composition Process


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Scheer PAS Composable Enterprise Image 6 Composability

Technical Building Blocks

  • Precompiled libraries
  • UI components
  • Low-Code models (BPMN, UML)
  • Pro-Code
Scheer PAS Composable Enterprise Image 7 Composability

Packaged Business Capabilities

  • Synchronous or asynchronous
  • Configurable data persistence
  • Generated and/or designed REST API
  • Optional Ul and/or event channel
Scheer PAS Composable Enterprise Image 8 Composability

Composed Business Applications

  • Service composition via API
  • Integration of additional building
    blocks for enhancement of


Toyota Germany

Listen to Peter-Pascal Meik, the Manager for Digital Innovation & Projects from Toyota Germany talk about how they achieved remarkable transformation by modernizing their whole application landscape using a composable architecture.

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